Committee Profiles

Please find below the names of all those who were elected onto the Management Committee of the Newcastle Falcons Supporters Club for the 2023/24 season.

Chair – Colin Edge

Secretary and Membership Coordinator – Lynne Crowe

Travel Coordinator – Keith Evans

Social Secretary – 

Treasurer – Gillian Watson


Pen Portraits

Colin Edge – Chair

I have been supporting Newcastle Falcons for a very long time, both at Kingston Park and as a regular user of the Supporters Club coach trips to away games. My son has been a regular on the coaches since he was just four years old, so I know how important it is to offer a good family environment both on the coaches and at social events. I have been lucky to serve on the Supporters Club Committee for the past seven years and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. It is nice to be able to spend some time helping to make it work after many years enjoying the services that the club offers for away travel and social events. I am more than happy to spend another year helping out. It is not always easy to be a Falcons supporter. We have much further to travel than any other supporters in the Premiership and the club has been through a few lean years with not much to reward the faithful, but still the supporters turn up to yell their best for the team, loud and proud. I honestly beieve that Falcons supporters are the best by a country mile and if I can do a little bit to help make their support of the club more enjoyable I most certainly will.


Lynne Crowe – Secretary and Membership Coordinator

I have been a season ticket holder at Kingston Park since 2004 having attended a handful of games the previous season. Over the years not only have I attended home games but I have been lucky enough to attend many away games, usually on the Supporters Club coach. Wherever possible I try to support our team home and away, including travelling to games in Europe and in 2017 to the USA. This has taken me to destinations that I would NEVER have dreamt I would ever visit. Some of those destinations have included L’aquila and Padova in Italy, Brive, Lyon, Toulon and Montpellier in France, Bucharest in Romania and Philadelphia in the USA. Newcastle Falcons has enabled me to meet some amazing people and make lifelong friends. I have been on the Supporters Club Committee for the past seven years where I enjoy my roles of Secretary and Membership Coordinator. I also try to keep supporters updated on all things Falcons via Facebook and Twitter.

Keith Evans – Travel Coordinator

For the past 16 years I have been a dedicated season ticket holder to Newcastle Falcons and attended most away games. I am an approachable, friendly person who has been part of the Supporter’s Club for several years now and have had the pleasure of meeting fellow Falcons’ followers who share the same passion I do. I hope to continue my input into a great Supporter’s Club which benefits both members and players of Newcastle Falcons. Teamwork makes the dream work!

 Gillian Watson – Treasurer

I’ve been a rugby supporter since I was 13 (Melrose and Scotland) and moved to Newcastle in 2006, now living only a stone’s throw from KP! Season 2022/23 will be my tenth as a Newcastle Falcons South Stand season ticket holder. I’ve loved travelling to watch Falcons in the UK and to their European Cup matches in Italy, France (lots!), Ireland and Jersey and hope this is something we can do again soon. I’ve been proud to co-sponsor Simon Hammersley and at time of writing, Adam Radwan and feel that this is a great way for me to support the club. I’m lucky enough to watch home matches with various Supporters’ Club committee members and call them friends and think it’s about time I helped out, to make our Supporters Club as successful as possible.